Saturday, 19 May 2012

Creating...Pony Carousel

Iv'e been busy with a few different projects & procrastinations, but finally have something to show. I don't really give much away about myself (typical Scorpio) but I have a condition that causes, at times, chronic fatigue of the muscle fibres, specially around certain times of the month...and 'specially this month!! So I've been hand-sewing, with some difficulty, at a slower rate! (Like I'm typing this...super ouch effort!!).
I've been working on a recycled fabric cushion...

Well..obviously....not a cushion in sight!!!

My wonderful Pony Carousel instead!!   I am so proud...the photos don't quite do it justice!!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful work as always Neens.. The colours are gorgeous! Love it:)
